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Vote For Your Favorite SaludHero This Week!
Salud America! is a San Antonio-based national online network of 10,000 devoted researchers and community leaders working together to support healthy policies and change to minimize obesity among Latino children. The network is a project of the Institute for Health Promotion Research (IHPR) at The UT Health Science Center at San Antonio.
38.9% of Latino children ages 2-19 years old struggle with childhood obesity, compared with 35.2% of African American children and 28.5% of Caucasian children. Salud recognized this disparity, and they’re doing something about it.
Salud America! is holding a video contest for “#SaludHeroes of Healthy Food”, a collection of videos on individuals who are implementing nutrition improvements in their community. All you have to do as a viewer is watch the videos and vote for your favorite by Feb. 25th, and you will be entered into a random drawing to win a healthy prize!
Vote for your favorite SaludHero this week, and join weekly conversations on empowering healthier Latino communities by tuning in for the #SaludTues TweetChats with us every Tuesday afternoon!