February 23, 2015

Medical & Nutrition Mobile Apps: Which to Trust?

As you well know (you are probably reading this on your phone,) the mobile app industry has replaced much of our online searching and tracking around health, and has begun to take a deep dive into the medical field. The FDA released their guidelines for reviewing medical mobile apps earlier this month. The good news first: some of these apps give us faster and more affordable access to simple health and medical answers. Apps such as the Seton Healthcare Family mobile app can help you find doctors in your area, and tell you all you need to know about your doctors and the center closest to you! The Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas mobile app can help you track your prescriptions, benefits, claims, wellness, and keep you in the loop on healthcare news!


The potential downside: unlike the apps listed above, there are many “healthy food” mobile apps out there that are not regulated by the FDA or monitored by registered dietitians, and could be giving you false information. Here is a LiveScience list of some great fitness and weight loss apps we also love! MyFitnessPal is their top pick food journaling app for 2015. Our Choose Healthier app, launching next month, will help you access the in-person healthy activities, options and providers in Central Texas that are right for you, and you can call one of our Choose Healthier Coaches any weekday 9 AM-6 PM for quick, personalized answers to any and all health questions! Our Coaches are bilingual and access the United Way for Greater Austin database to help you set goals for yourself and your family and find affordable healthy options.

Happy “Apping”!

Written By Heather Hart, Choose Healthier Intern, University of Texas-Austin ’15