January 6, 2021

Healthy actions build healthy habits in the new year


As we look forward to a new year, we hope to take a moment and reflect on our 2020, and hold space to process personal losses, injustices witnessed, lessons learned, and even the impacts the pandemic has had on our everyday lives. At It’s Time Texas, we will persevere in creating healthy environments that allow everyone across Texas to thrive in their personal efforts to be healthy. 

We recognize this past year hasn’t been especially kind to our healthy habits.


Getting active has been a little harder. Reaching for that unhealthy snack a little easier. So if you’re making some health-related resolutions for the New Year, we advise being kind to yourself and consider the small steps you can do to create a healthy life for you and those you care about.

These small steps can look like improving your movement or introducing new foods into your diet. The introduction of daily healthy habits can help us all get back on track and feel a little better each day. You will find accountability and encouragement for your daily efforts towards healthier living in 2021 by joining our It’s Time Texas Community Challenge. It’s free! And you’ll join a statewide community of people also doing simple healthy actions every day to earn points for their local communities, employers, schools, and teams.

The 2021 It’s Time Texas Community Challenge is our chance to commit (or re-commit) to health. We don’t focus on big goals like losing 20 pounds, but instead seek to make small changes to our everyday lives to build a healthier lifestyle.


It’s about encouraging your family, friends, neighbors and community to take the journey with you. It’s about you!


The Community Challenge invites you to participate daily through small healthy actions. This can look like walking the dog for 20 minutes, eating a healthy snack or trying a free online yoga class offered by It’s Time Texas. The goal is to do at least one healthy action a day that will help you live healthier each day. These small daily healthy actions will help you reach your goal of building a healthy lifestyle.

We are here to help you start 2021 off on a healthier foot.


Even though we are continuing social distancing, wearing masks, and staying safe, participation in the Community Challenge will provide ways for you to stay active, stay connected, and even chances to win prizes. This year, the new Community Challenge App will provide a way for you to easily log healthy actions, find virtual activities, interact with an online community and much more!


Learn more about the Community Challenge. 

Watch the Community Challenge App instructional video