February 27, 2015

Choose Healthier Provider Spotlight: Sustainable Food Center!

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Our Choose Healthier Provider Sustainable Food Center, founded in 1975 as the Austin Community Gardens, has grown into much more than their beautiful gardens. Through organic gardening, relationships with area farmers, interactive cooking classes and nutrition education, children and adults in Central Texas have increased access to locally grown food! SFC provides these wonderful programs, which will all be listed on the Choose Healthier app:

Grow Local: empowers children and adults to grow their own food by offering the education and resources they need to start and sustain gardens at schools, homes, and areas accessible to neighborhood residents.

Farm Direct: connects local growers with schools, urban residents, and institutional food service operations worksites in demand of fresh produce through weekly SFC Farmers’ Markets and direct marketing projects, such as farm-to-cafeteria, farm-to-school, and farm-to-work.

The Happy Kitchen/La Cocina Alegre: is a nationally recognized cooking and nutrition education program that nurtures skills in food selection and preparation.


Jessica Burleson at SFC shares, “We are excited about the Choose Healthier App’s potential to develop new interest in our programs among our target population… The App can further assist us by increasing knowledge of our food gardening and healthy cooking classes, farmers’ markets and other events. Together, we can work to improve the health of children and adults in our community!”

SFC has a wonderful new facility in East Austin and a calendar of classes and events here; visit them today!

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