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Stronger Austin Participant Spotlight: Arnoldo
Stronger Austin is activating the Austin community with one goal: health for all. We believe that every neighborhood in Austin should have easy access to health and wellness programs. What’s one of the best parts of Stronger Austin? Our amazing participants like Arnoldo! Arnoldo attends our Friday morning yoga class at Dove Springs at 9:30 am led by our ever-inspiring yogi, Linda Natera. She leads our free, bilingual yoga classes offered at both Dove Springs and Montopolis Recreation Center (Tuesday’s at 6:30 pm). Here’s more on Arnoldo!

Arnoldo grabs a mat for his weekly yoga class!
Q | What is your favorite or most rewarding part about being a participant in this class?
A | I think seeing progress, like flexibility.
Q | How long have you attended this class?
A | About a year.
Q | How do you get yourself to workout and stay healthy on a daily basis, and what is some advice to give others to do the same?
A | I do it in the morning, because if I do it in the evening something else will come up and I won’t do it.
Q | What is your go-to pre or post-workout snack?
A | Probably coconut water, with lots of electrolytes.
Q | How have your class instructors influenced you throughout your time with Stronger Austin?
A | By teaching me how to do things correctly instead of just doing it, and teaching me to really get my mind in it.